So today was a rough morning... I'm 38 weeks today and have no sign whatsoever of a baby wanting to make his appearance- No Braxton Hicks, no "dropping," which is okay, since it's still early. But at our doctor visit, I expected at least some progress but alas, nothing is happening!! Carter just wants to stay in there it seems, and I guess he needs it so I'm okay with 2 more weeks, but not looking forward to the possibility of going overdue! (And I admit I cried after getting out of the doctor's because I was just frustrated at the fact of being pregnant for like 3+ more weeks!) However me and Aaron went to the gym and I met a girl in the locker room who must have been inspired to say something... It was a girl that worked there who asked when I was due, and she had just had a baby 4 months ago. Without me even telling her anything about our doctor visit, she said, Don't worry, you look great for 38 weeks, and I went a week overdue. It's hard waiting, but your baby ends up so much healthier, eats better, sleeps better, and ends up a happy baby. She said that it's totally worth it to have them stay in longer even though it's hard and uncomfortable for you. Of course I knew that, but it was nice and comforting to hear it again from someone who's been there. It seems that everyone I know had their baby a week or two early so it sucks to feel left behind! BUT I've got a lot to be grateful for, I've just got to remember that when I have late night heartburn and sharp pains when Carter kicks me!
One nice thing about Aaron's job (which I despise during the summer) is the fact that during the offseason, he gets to spend more time with me and he pretty much picks what days he wants to work. We took yet another drive up the Canyon, hoping to see the remnants of fall and it was so beautiful! Hence, we are freaks of nature.
fun pictures guys! I love the fall, and hiking, and leaves and rivers, and pregnant ladies. :) Good luck with the next couple of weeks!
You look great Steph! I understand the fears but who knows what will happen from one day to the next!! The fall pics are really nice - I like.
Oh, I'm so glad you ran into that girl. I love moments like that... And you really do look so cute in these pics!
I am glad you ran into that girl too- that is SOO TRUE! SEriously as much as I was excited for kad to come early- those sixteen days that he could have been in the womb were the HARDEST days of my life! Every day makes such a difference! =) Enjoy the peace and quiet with the hubs!
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