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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cute Family

Well the Packard's had a family reunion.. without us. We no longer have the luxury of attending any kind of get-together during the summer, but thanks to my cousin who shot this pic, I can see that I missed out on getting a green t-shirt!My bro-in-law, Taylor & sister Val, my stepmom Aimee with baby Ali, Dad, Melanie, Kent, James, then Luke and Mia in front. (Just me, Aaron and Craig missing). Yep those 3 youngest blondies are my siblings, and YES my stepmom is pregnant! My child will be older than my brother/sister. It's like Father of the Bride part 2 and I just KNEW it was gonna happen!


Cortney said...

Oh my gosh she's pregnant again!?! Goodness gracious! How far apart are you two? Well, atleast your lil' man will have some fun aunts and uncles to play with growing up :)

Hope you're doing well. Have you picked out a name yet?

Jennett said...

Ohhhhh....your little family. Boo you couldn't be there!! Baby Alice is getting SO BIG and CUTE!! I hope you and Carter James are doing wonderful :) I love you!


oh your fam is cute! Its fun to see names with faces so I can put all your stories together!

Our Little Family said...

Kevin and I were bummed that we missed the reunion too. I remember when our family got the pink is a nice color! I hope that all is going well with your pregnancy!