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Monday, April 13, 2009


Easter time!
Spring looks like it's finally here!.... until it snows again of course. Aaron was in Yakima, WA all week getting some more pre-season sales and training my brother... and playing with my family including golfing with my dad. I hate being all by myself for a whole week! But he got back Saturday night and we dyed some eggs just in time for Easter! I was particularly proud of these..

We had a fun Easter dinner with Julie & Clint (and Caden!) and Val & Taylor and played some games afterwards. Jules made this delicious chocolate trifle yummmmmm it was good.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Nice Easter eggs! Thanks for inviting us over. We had fun and your ham was delicious! You should have taken a pic of it. I wish we could have stayed longer and finished the game even though I was no where close to winning...haha!