Okay totally kidding, this is disgusting. However, there is a fellow trainer (male) at our gym who is training for a bodybuilding comp- the more natural, non-steroidal kind that actually looks decent and not horrific. He and a couple of other trainers have for some reason gotten excited about the idea of ME doing a FITNESS competition (insane, I know). Let's be honest, I like carbs too much... and I'd probably prefer to keep my boobs. I'm looking into it, but even on the amateur level I'm pretty sure I don't have that kind of discipline. I'll just continue working with clients so THEY can look like this!

We do not have super exciting news, but I'm really just bored and Aaron is preselling in Vegas for the weekend, so what's a bored wife to do but blog?! School started 2 weeks ago, and it's pretty much the busiest I've been since the semester I was engaged.. imagine that: school stressing a student out! Apparently I'm registered for 22 credits this semester, which is unheard of for me, but 3 of those credits are completed from an online class and 4 credits are an internship, which conveniently is also my job at 24-hour fitness. If I've done my math correctly-- which isn't that likely, I'm looking to graduate by December! Hallelujah, the end is in SIGHT!! I am more than ready to move on to other things and leave BYU behind.
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