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Monday, December 13, 2010

Family Pics

Well, in a rush to get Christmas cards sent out this year (since I've never gotten my act together the other 2 Christmases we've been married), we hired a sister of a friend to shoot some quick family shots, and they turned out so great!! It was FREEZING, and poor Carter wasn't his normal smiley self- I guess I don't blame him. But here's some of our favs... and some are just plain silly-- One kid makes it so hard for everyone to look at the camera AND smile, I can't imagine how pictures are like with a big family!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thanksgiving! (a little late)

We headed down to Phoenix (Chandler to be exact) for Thanksgiving with Aaron's family this year. So fun!! We gained a few pounds, but had fun doing it! Carter was a great little boy, he loves company so that was great to be able to pass him off for others to play with (he gets very bored with just me all the time).
 Me, Aaron, and his stepdad Steve went on a bike ride.. It was so pretty out in the desert!
 That person is me 
 Me and Steve
 The Air-Bear looking studly
 Cutie faces at Aaron's Aunt Debbie's house
Carter actually ended up falling asleep on her bedroom floor that night, halfway under the bed!

 Grandpa Dave got him and Carter matching Broncos jerseys (he's a huge fan)- it was so cute!!
 Aunt Debbie lighting the candles on Grandpa Jay's birthday cake. He's the sweetest 85-year old man you'd ever meet!

 Took a little walk to the park before the Thanksgiving feast
 Carter looks a little terrified here, but he actually loves the slide!

 Aaron's brother Ryan works for Microsoft and introduced us all to the latest- the Xbox Kinect. It's so rad!! We asked for one for Christmas (and already got it hehe)

 Grandpa Dave carving the turkey
 Carter was very spoiled by Grandma Belinda's delicious cooking.. he does NOT eat such gourmet food here at home =)

 Loves mashed potatoes A LOT
 Oh my goodness, I LOVE this picture. This is Carter's little second cousin, Brady who is a few months older than Carter. One afternoon, Carter was to be going down for a nap in the pack-n-play (in the closet!) Brady was missing, and we found him in with Carter, playing! They were so sneaky and it shows by their little grins under their binkies. Such cute little buddies.

 Sportin the jersey again

Go Tim Tebow
 Aaron's Dad got us tickets to the ASU vs. UCLA football game (both Aaron's parents went to UCLA). The game was really fun, and GREAT weather compared to what the rest of the country was doing.
There's Tarrah (Ryan's gf), Dave, Aaron, me and Ryan

 Aaron's other Grandpa, Roger sent a little tractor for the 2 little grandsons to play with.. Carter loved it
 Beautiful pic of the desert... Aaron found this cactus humorous..... boys are so perverted
 We had flown out to Arizona, but drove back to Utah with Aaron. This is in the gas station right after Carter's toilet incident. He was SO anxious to get outta the car, we didn't care that he was all over the ground, and mauling all the winnie the pooh bears

 And then again at Subway....

 Aaron with his cousin Natalie, and the boys =)
 One afternoon, Aaron's aunt Debbie volunteered to take Carter for the day so he could play with Brady at the Train park. Here's Brady with his daddy Ed, and Carter with Aunt Debbie. So cute
 Natalie with Carter on the merry-go-round
 Apparently Carter held on for dear life while sticking his bum out hehe
 Ed (Natalie's husband) competed in an IRONMAN the day before we got there!! Yeah, SO impressive!
 And a few more pics from Grandma's house. We love family!!